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Niokolo Network

Connecting people and planet in and around Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal

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What We Do

We work with local communities to understand issues through their eyes. We then co-develop projects which are led by local people to achieve healthy villages and a healthy environment.


Despite being one of the most politically stable countries in West Africa, the UN classifies Senegal in the low human development category with over 50% of the population classified as suffering from deprivation in health, education and standard of living. Niokolo-Koba National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the southeast of the country. This remote area harbours extraordinary levels of biodiversity existing alongside rural communities of remarkable cultural diversity.

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Who We Are

​Niokolo Network is a small Welsh charity that works in partnership with a Senegalese Community Based Organisation called Kamben, and their sister NGO Kamben Film Group. 

Partner Organisations

Purple Field Productions
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